The Secret Files of Section D


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Espionage and adventure in the classic pulp era.

The Secret Files of Section D is a Table Top Role Playing Game powered by the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition rules.

The elevator pitch: The Secret Files of Section D is Indiana Jones and James Bond meets the X-Files. With a little bit of ‘Allo ‘Allo for good measure!

Players take on the role of secret agents working for the British Secret Intelligence Service, specifically Section D. Established in early 1938, Section D is one of the building blocks of the Special Operations Executive. This game tells of their earliest, and most secret operations.

Set against the backdrop of a world in turmoil, our heroes take on missions to protect King and country. Officially tasked with spying on Fascists and Bolsheviks, a standard Section D mission typically meant photographing railway yards and water towers. Many operations were not standard though. Not by a long way. So far from standard in fact, their exact details remain closely guarded secrets to this day.

Written in an historically accurate manner, the book presents the world as it was at the beginning of 1938, then builds pulp tropes, espionage, and tongue-in-cheek high adventure on the top.

In this book you will find:

  • Detailed rules for creating your Section D agent including archetype characters
  • An historically accurate overview of key world powers at the beginning of 1938
  • Guides to the equipment, weapons, vehicles, and espionage gear of the era
  • New Skills, Setting Rules, Edges, and Hindrances to bring the pulp spy era to life
  • Three campaign modes: Pulp, Espionage, and Military
  • An overview of the intelligence services of the major powers in 1938
  • Tools for GMs to create over-the-top villains, their minions, and their amazing devices
  • Mission and McGuffin Generators
  • Enemies including soldiers, spies, cults, secret societies, and many stranger things

The Secret Files of Section D has everything you need for fast paced adventure in the classic pulp era!

The first published adventure for This setting, Better Latte Than Never, is available here.

Additional information

Weight 1.2 kg
Game System

Savage Worlds


Alternate History, Espionage, Pulp, Pulp / Adventure, Spies, Weird War

ISBN Number

ISBN 978-1-7392296-0-3

RP Publisher

Imaginarium Games

RP Type

Campaign Setting, Companion, Hardback, Supplement


The Secret Files of Section D


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