Midderzine Issue 2
Midderzine Issue 2 is a fanzine for The Midderlands campaign setting for old school games. Although The Midderlands was written for Swords & Wizardry Complete, it works with all the old school games and retroclones with little or no conversion. Hell, you can even adopt it for any fantasy roleplaying game.
Within this issue you can find news articles, information about locations, NPCs, monsters, races, classes, oddities, spells, flora, fauna, and just about anything to do with the Midderlands, the Haven Isles, and further afield.
- More fodder for your ‘The Midderlands’ OSR campaign setting.
- More rumours from The Haven Gazette.
- Meet the Midderlander: Edwin Nagy, the New England wizard.
- A New Cult: The Vile Sign.
- Some ‘Slightly Less Sh*t’ random tables for creating Containers of Liquid and +1 Weapons & Armour.
- Port Mulhollow: An underground settlement.
- New Monsters: Pigseers, Biledogs, and Dunglings.
- A New Class: The Woad Rager.
- New Oddities including: Laird MacCrae’s Prime Haggis, and Screaming Sporrans.
- And more…
What is The Midderlands?
The Midderlands is a game setting with bestiary for use with old-school role-playing games. It is based on Swords & Wizardry Complete, but could easily be used with other old-school systems such as Castles & Crusades and even non-OSR systems such as D&D or Pathfinder.
It is a green-hued, dark-fantasy, late-middle ages, early-renaissance view through grime-smeared spectacles. The setting itself is based on an area in the middle of England near where I live called The Midlands. Many of the locations are loosely based on reality, but others are pure fantasy from an addled mind.
The setting part of the book contains something the author calls “game-juice”. Not heavy of history and monotonous detail, but enough to get the game-juices flowing and let the Game Master twist and tweak as they need to in order to fit their campaign.
Content Warning: This setting includes adult humor and occasional swear words.
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