Land of the Rising Sun Bestiary for Chivalry & Sorcery


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Bestiary for Land of the Rising Sun for Chivalry & Sorcery

The Land of the Rising Sun Bestiary is a sourcebook for 5th edition of Chivalry & Sorcery and the Land of the Rising Sun setting. It features a collection of creatures drawn from the folklore of legendary Japan. Within its pages are the details of more than a hundred yokai, creatures from Japanese folklore, along with game stats for Land of the Rising Sun.

Land of the Rising Sun covers the late Classical period of Japan, through the middle of the Feudal period, circa 850–1500 CE. Character generation is similar to 5th Edition Chivalry & Sorcery, giving players the tools to create characters from Samurai to Ninja.

This is more than just another book of monsters to encounter. Like all creatures from folklore, each entity has its own story, its own cultural significance, and its own particular challenges. Some require force to overcome them, but others require a more thoughtful approach. Some are linked to Japanese social mores and attitudes, and others to Buddhist or Shinto theology.

Award winning!

This sourcebook compliments Land of the Rising Sun, winner of the Peoples Choice Award for Best Roleplay Game Expansion at UK Games Expo 2021

Also in the Land of the Rising Sun collection:

Land of the Rising Sun



Additional information

Weight 0.75 kg
Game System

d100, Skillskape


Alternate History, Fantasy, Folklore, High Fantasy, Historical, Low Fantasy

RP Publisher

Britannia, Brittannia Game Designs

RP Type

Companion, Hardback, Supplement


C&S, Chivalry & Sorcery


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