Chivalry & Sorcery 5th Ed – Slipcase Collection


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Chivalry & Sorcery slipcase collectionChivalry & Sorcery Slipcase Collection bundle deal!

The Chivalry & Sorcery Slipcase Collection contains the Chivalry & Sorcery 5th Edition Core Rulebook and the European Folklore Bestiary collected into a faux leather embossed slipcase. This bundle deal is £5.00 cheaper than purchasing the books separately and includes the slipcase.






Chivalry & Sorcery 5th Edition Core Rulebook

Chivalry & Sorcery core rules hardback

Fifth Edition truly is the definitive edition of Chivalry and Sorcery. Players create well-rounded characters who really feel like they belong to their world. Knights wield secular power and command the battlefield. Meanwhile other warriors strive to win their spurs in combat and rise to join their ranks. Magick is deep and mysterious, drawing on real-world historical detail, while Priests utter prayers and call upon the very miracles of their gods! You decide the level of magic and fantasy for your game. Run a medieval high fantasy game filled with magic, miracles and myth, – or one of gritty, low fantasy, or even pure historical simulation. The choice is yours! From fairy-tale romance to courtly love. From religious intrigue to brutal, bloody battle. Chivalry & Sorcery lets you play in just the Middle Ages you want.










European Bestiary art only

The  European Folklore Bestiary.

The European Folklore Bestiary continues the mission of Chivalry & Sorcery to provide a fantasy roleplaying experience with an authentic medieval flavor.

Drawn from legends and lore across western Europe, this book presents over sixty magical and monstrous creatures which fit perfectly in a medieval fantasy setting. Why? Because the people of the Middle Ages believed they existed!

Some are harmless – beyond a few pranks – and some are terrifying beasts capable of threatening whole cities. Some will be familiar, but many are presented for fantasy games for the first time ever. The bibliography features online resources as well as books allowing you to pursue the tales behind these monsters, find inspiration for encounters, and even for full adventures.





Further details on these two stunning books:

Chivalry & Sorcery 5th Edition

European Folklore Bestiary

Additional information

Weight 3 kg
Game System

d100, Skillskape


Alternate History, Fantasy, High Fantasy, Historical, Low Fantasy

RP Publisher

Britannia, Brittannia Game Designs

RP Type

Alternate Cover, Boxed Set, Bundle, Core Rules, Special Edition, Supplement


C&S, Chivalry & Sorcery


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