Hellboy Dice


9 in stock


Hellboy RPG themed dice

Increase your imersion in the Hellboy RPG with these fantastic looking dice. This full polyhedral set includes:Hellboy Dice

  • 1x D20
  • 1x D12
  • 2x D10 (Percentile pair)
  • 1x D8
  • 1x D6
  • 1x D4

Introduction to the Hellboy RPG

The world isn’t what it seems, you know this, right? You look smart, you look like you’ve seen some stuff. On the surface, sure, there are still supermarkets and pubs, wrestling bouts and cinemas. But beneath that there is another world. Another world that pokes its way through the glass and steel of our world, pokes its way through and demands to be seen. It’s usually the colour of blood. You know the score — vanished children, nightmare beasts erupting in the centre of a suburban town full of nice, prosperous parents with gum-chewing, grinning kids. The old stories that fill books even now are all true. Every fairy tale, every half-murmured urban myth, every fanciful drawing in the corner of a medieval map…every one of them is true. And the world needs protecting.

That’s what you’re here for. That’s why you’ve been invited to join us here at the Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense. You’re one of those who’ve seen the darkness lying beneath, but you’ve not blocked it out, or pretended it wasn’t real. You’ve put yourself in its path. You’re the kind of person we need. We want you on the team.

Additional information

Weight 0.1 kg

Nightfall Games, Polyhedral

Game System

5E, d20, Suitable for all


Espionage, Low Fantasy, Pulp, Spies

RP Publisher

Mantic Games, NFG, Nightfall, Nightfall Games

RP Type





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