Anderia for Chivalry & Sorcery


229 in stock


A Campaign Sourcebook for the Marakush setting for Chivalry & Sorcery

Further explore the world introduced in “The Dragon Reaches of Marakush”. Enter the region of Anderia, partake of the lush and verdant geography, marvel at the inhabitants and their Machiavellian politics.

The feudal kingdom of Anderia is located on the north-western seaboard of Marakush, in the area known as the Dragon Reaches. The kingdom occupies around 145,000 square miles, and its people live in sparse settlements scattered across the land. Anderia is mainly made up of temperate forest, which is rich in flora and fauna. Some of the forested regions have been stripped over the years creating agricultural land, but the majority of the realm still lies beneath a dark blanket of forest.

This sourcebook details the country of Anderia and includes:

  • A 64 Page Kingdom supplement for the Marakush Campaign WorldAnderia for Chivalry and Sorcery book.
  • The people of Anderia including major NPCs
  • New creatures, enemies, and villains
  • Religion and religious festivals
  • Magick including new magic items
  • Trade and commerce
  • Anderian government and political structure
  • Gazetteer of key locations

Whilst Intended for use with Chivalry and Sorcery, Anderia is compitible with all fantasy role-playing games.

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Additional information

Weight 0.3 kg
Game System

d100, Suitable for all


Fantasy, High Fantasy, Low Fantasy

RP Publisher

Britannia, Brittannia Game Designs

RP Type

Campaign Setting, Companion, Supplement


C&S, Chivalry & Sorcery


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