Four panel portrait format Castle Keepers Screen

The Castle Keepers Screen is a complete four panel shield and rules reference for the beleaguered Castle Keeper. Notes, monsters, miniatures, and dice are well hidden from prying eyes behind this durable screen crafted from high quality board and laminated for protection.
From the Player’s side this screen sports the Jason Walton Tribute covers, as seen on the C&C Castle Keepers Guide and C&C Players Handbook. These paintings depict a giant efreeti coming from the sea of fire on the one hand and the ruminations of a conquering party and their treasure on the other.
From the CK’s side this screen holds a wide range of very useful material, allowing the CK quick reference for a wide variety of circumstances.
Reference tables on the Screen are:
Meals, Lodging, and Stabling:
Prices for simple meals, a roof over the head and where to put the noble steed
Random Names:
Taken directly from the Book of Names, this sampling includes scores of names that you can build into multiple names for quick inclusion into the table.
Combat Maneuvers:
All the combat maneuvers from the Castle Keepers Guide and the Players Handbook.
Cover & Range:
Modifiers for Cover and Range in one place
Situational Modifiers:
Includes prone, attacking from a moving platform and more.
CL adjustments to surprise, from the time of day to where the individuals are located.
Impact of Negative HP:
The impact of damage beyond zero and what the player character can do.
Time and Light:
A breakdown of the increments of a round and beyond as well as the area lit by various light sources from the mundane to magic.
Turning Undead:
All three classifications of undead and how many are affected by a successful turning.
Unarmed Combat:
We have a down and dirty on the grappling rules, all updated from the Players Handbook.
Saving Throws:
A handy list of each type and category of saving throw and the associated attribute.
Movement Rates:
Movement can be easy, or as complicated as you want it. A quick break down of the several charts with clearly defined arrows on what to do next rides the final panel.
Swimming and Drowning:
Swimming movement rates and the drowning rules.
Underground Movement:
Underground movement rates based on terrain.
A listing of weather types and the impact of moderate, bad, and severe weather on different actions.
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