Amazing Adventures Chronicle Keepers Guide
The Chronicle Keepers Guide is your companion for running the world’s greatest gun-toting, sword-wielding, starfighter-flying, gadget-making, superpowered, science, sorcery, horror, multi-genre role playing game, powered by the SIEGE Engine!
A companion for Amazing Adventures Player’s Handbook
Herein you will find:
- Additional character and rules options
- Streamlined firearms rules
- Advanced vehicle combat rules
- Cinematic unarmed combat
- Rules for dark pulp sorcery
- Monsters as player characters
And so much more! You’ll discover advice on a wealth of tropes for different types of games, from weird westerns to cosmic horror, urban fantasy to space opera and far beyond; running a game, creating adventures that work, and how to find your own path to becoming a great CK.
Introducing Amazing Adventures
Amazing Adventures is the next level of SIEGE Engine role playing. Using the same celebrated rules as Castles & Crusades, this multi-genre role playing game gives you a universal rulebook to capture any style of fantasy you want, with simple, attribute-check-based mechanics that are built for lightning-fast play that’s also worlds of fun. Whether you’re looking to portray Musketeers and pirates in the 16th century, fearful colonists dealing with the dark unknown in the black forests of the New World, modern demon hunters fighting horrors of the Deeper Dark in the back alleys of cities, or explorers on the new frontier of deep space in the far-flung future, Amazing Adventures has what you need.
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