Savage Worlds Adventure Edition Power Cards


8 in stock


Savage Worlds Power Cards keep your table Fast, Furious, and Fun

This boxed set of reference cards are a vital resource for any ‘magic’ using characters. The Power Cards for Savage Worlds contain all the information players need to quickly reference their character’s powers at the table. Each card shows a single power, the Power Point cost, and the casting options available. When the chips are down, now the cards can be as well!

Each Power from the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition core rulebook is represented in this deck of standard sized cards. They come in a protective box large enough to protect your cards even when sleeved.

Use these cards at your table alongside the Status Cards, Adventure Deck, and Oversized Action Deck for complete immersion!

Don’t forget to check out full range of Savage Worlds Settings, Companions, and Accessories.

What is Savage Worlds?

The short answer is: Savage Worlds is a generic roleplaying game which can handle literally anything you throw at it. Create your own setting, convert an existing one, or pick up one of the amazing settings like Deadlands, Pinebox Middle School, or Rifts®. There are even third party settings like The Secret Files of Section D and Zeta Complex available. Don’t forget our amazing range of Savage Worlds settings, companions, and accessories!

Additional information

Weight 0.2 kg
Card Decks

Savage Worlds

Game System

Savage Worlds, SWAdE


Alternate History, Cryptid, Espionage, Fantasy, Folklore, High Fantasy, Historical, Horror, Low Fantasy, Modern, Pulp, Pulp / Adventure, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Space Opera, Spies, Steampunk, Super Hero, Weird War, Wu Xia

RP Publisher

Pinnacle Entertainment Group

RP Type



Companion, Deadlands, Deadlands Lost Colony, Devils Run RPG, Fantasy, Holler, Horror, Legend of Ghost Mountain, Pathfinder for Savage Worlds, PFSW, Pinebox, Pinebox, TX Middle School, Rifts, Section D, Super Hero, Super Powers, SWAdE, The Secret Files of Section D, Zeta Complex


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