Ynys Heddwch, the Isle of Peace, has become the unwitting backdrop for a treacherous struggle between the clans of Trerone and Donethal. As the two vie for power ina series of Cattle Raids on the mainland, a band of adventurers become embroiled in this feud while visiting the Isle. Hired by a travelling minstrel, can they succeed in foiling the plot of one of the factions?
Ynys Heddwch is an island setting that can be easily fitted into any fantasy campaign, rich enough to be used againa and again.
Intended for use with Chivalry & Sorcery: The Rebirth rules, this scenario is also usable with C&S Light, C&S 3rd Edition and comes with statistics for use with Harnmaster by Colombia Games Inc.
A 44 page adventure set in the world of Marakush
Please note this is a Print On Demand Product