Untold Sagas – Svilland Lore Book


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Untold Sagas – a Lore Book for Svilland – the Norse setting for 5E

Svilland Untold Sagas book

Untold Sagas is the lore book for Svilland Campaign Setting. It delves deeper into the myth and history of this realm, for those seeking more in-depth answers.

There is a land in Midgard where a hard people live out their days, standing against all that ails them. Against harsh howling winds, rough living conditions, and the constant threat of Black Winter looming over them.

The dvergrs, half-jotunns and humanoids of Svilland roam the kingdoms of Alsvartr, Nionaem, and Green Lights of the East, seeking to eliminate all signs of this winter threatening to bring an end to life as they know it. They lean on their faith in the Gods and Goddesses and long for the day where they shall stand beside them in the final battle of Ragnarok. Some wait to stand with Loki and his children, and some, with Odin and his pantheon.

It is said that when Loki is released from his bounds; when Jormungandr defeats Thor, when Fenrir devours Odin, and when Hel walks Svilland with her army made of the dead and the undead at the end of Black Winter; it will be the end of all things.

An introduction to Svilland

Svilland brings the valour, brutality, and drama from Norse Mythology to your roleplaying games in this inspired D&D 5E setting. The game is compatible with 5E, but its theme and dynamics are very different than your usual high fantasy game. Sure, there is magic in this realm, plenty of it even. Magic in Svilland reflects omens, spirits, runes, and Norse deities with their true forms in the mythology.

In Svilland you learn the true meaning of blood, magic, raids, and the wrath of the gods!

Additional information

Weight 0.6 kg
Game System

5E, d20, Fifth Edition


Dungeons and Dragons, Fantasy, Folklore

RP Publisher

Dream Realm Storytellers, DRS

RP Type

Adventure, Campaign Setting, Companion, Hardback, Supplement


Dungeons & Dragons, Fantasy, Svilland


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