The Eldritch New England Holiday Collection
The Eldritch New England Holiday Collection is a Call of Cthulhu campaign of holiday-themed adventures for adolescent investigators.
“Kids growing up in eldritch Corners of New England have rather unique childhoods. These growing up in Arkham, Kingsport, Innsmouth and Dunwich know that shadows hide a darker evil.”
The Eldritch New England Holiday Collection includes the following scenarios: 
- Halloween in Dunwich
- Christmas in Kingsport
- Easter in Arkham
- Innsmouth Independance Day
Also Featuring:-
- The History of the Morgan Family,
- The Morgan Family Tree,
- An overview of the Morgan Cousins,
- 24 Pre-generated Investigators: The Morgan Cousins, Their Best Friends Forever, The Cousins as Adult Investigators, and The Cousins as Pulp Adult Investigators.
What is Call of Cthulhu?
Call of Cthulhu is the world’s best roleplaying game of mystery and horror.
In Call of Cthulhu, you take on the role of everyday people who become investigators of the unknown—whether they are prepared or not. The mysterious places, people, and situations you encounter are often not what they seem—you and your friends are the only thing standing in the way of diabolical cults and cosmic monsters from beyond space!
Call of Cthulhu investigators come from all walks of life, be they journalists, librarians, or school teachers, or even private eyes, taxi drivers, or a hobo. They face mysteries that cannot be explained by rational means. Mysteries riddled with ancient and forgotten lore that humanity was not meant to know.
- Your occupation.
- Your skills.
- The people in your life who are important to you.
- Locations that are meaningful to you.
- Items you carry of personal significance.
- Your ideology and beliefs.
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