Terror of Octobernomicon


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Terror of Octobernomicon

A collection of seven Call of Cthulhu original adventures by new authors, mentored by Ennie Award-winning authors Matt Wiseman and Oscar Rios. Each adventure features an original creature selected from the Octobernomicon collection on Shoggoth.net, which lists a new monster every day during the month of October. There are four classic 1920s scenarios, one Down Darker Trails scenario (Old West), and one Cthulhu Invictus scenario (Ancient Roman Empire).

Terror of Octobernomicon includes the following scenarios: CoC Licensed category logo

  • “Currency of Grief” by Daniel Purcell
  • “Suspended Pending Resolution” by Francesca McMahon
  • “Accounts of Violence” by Marek Golonka
  • “The Hounds of Sekhmet” by Helen Yau
  • “Sun and Shadow” by Walter Attridge
  • “He’s a Lowdown, Dirty Owlhoot” by William Adcock
  • “The Expedition” by Morgan Llewellyn

What is Call of Cthulhu?

Call of Cthulhu is the world’s best roleplaying game of mystery and horror.

In Call of Cthulhu, you take on the role of everyday people who become investigators of the unknown—whether they are prepared or not. The mysterious places, people, and situations you encounter are often not what they seem—you and your friends are the only thing standing in the way of diabolical cults and cosmic monsters from beyond space!


Call of Cthulhu investigators come from all walks of life, be they journalists, librarians, or school teachers, or even private eyes, taxi drivers, or a hobo. They face mysteries that cannot be explained by rational means. Mysteries riddled with ancient and forgotten lore that humanity was not meant to know.

Every investigator is unique. In Call of Cthulhu, you’ll make a number of choices to create your very own investigator, including:
  • Your occupation.
  • Your skills.
  • The people in your life who are important to you.
  • Locations that are meaningful to you.
  • Items you carry of personal significance.
  • Your ideology and beliefs.

Check out our other Call of Cthulhu products here.

Additional information


Call of Cthulhu, Cthulhu Invictus

RP Type

Adventure, Expansion, Softback

RP Publisher

GGP, Golden Goblin Press


Alternate History, Horror


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