StokerVerse Metal Dice Set


9 in stock


StokerVerse Metal Dice Set

A unique set of 6 metal d10’s for use with the StokerVerse Roleplaying Game.

It includes:

  • 5 ten-sided metal Skill dice.
  • 1 ten-sided metal blood stained Success die.

For use with the S5S game system.

Introducing the Stokerverse RPG core rulebook

In the StokerVerse Roleplaying Game, you play all manner of person, from many different walks of life. You might be an assistant vampire hunter, local bobby, a member of the gentry, clergy, or a medical professional. You might be a commoner who has seen too much, or a psychic who sees too far…the choice is yours. Your rag-tag band of investigators must work together to uncover the true evils of the world. Using your skills, status, or secrets, you must thwart the agents of darkness from succeeding in their vile plan.

It is not all about Dracula himself. The StokerVerse drinks deep from contemporary literature, superstition and horror of the Victorian age. You might, for example, meet Dracula’s 4th wife (taken from Bram Stoker’s extensive notes written during his preparation for the novel and to date only seen by the Stoker family). Maybe the likes of Dr. Jekyll or even Jack the Ripper are on the prowl? The GM may take the adventure into the maddening world of the insane, or into the gothic catacombs of London’s many cemeteries. You could experience a Victorian public house or gentleman’s club, partake in the earliest medical procedures, dabble with the power of electricity, or delve into the mystic world.

This book is designed as a toolbox. It allows the GM to create their own campaigns or one-shots, including detailed multipage campaign arcs, campaign seeds, mini-missions, NPCs, weapons, detailed locations, and enemy characters. You have the option to play either pre-generated characters or to create your own—tailored to your preferences, weapon choices, and role within your team. StokerVerse Sea

Additional information


Nightfall Games

Game System

d10, S5S



RP Publisher

NFG, Nightfall, Nightfall Games

RP Type





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