Prey for Death


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Prey for Death; A standalone adventure

Prey for Death is a standalone adventure for Pathfinder, presented in a deluxe hardcover book. The adventure is for 14th level characters and gives players the chance to be members of the world’s most notorious assassin’s guild. The Red Mantis!

The infamous Red Mantis assassins are rightly feared throughout the world for their ruthlessness and legacy— Those they slay stay dead! Yet they are not without honor. When a group of assassins on a dangerous mission meets with unexpected treachery, they must clear their own names while remaining true to their murderous calling. Even as greater plots and shocking truths reveal themselves.

Prey for Death adventure Special Edition
Prey for Death adventure Special Edition

The book also includes:

  • New items
  • New lore
  • Extra character backgrounds
  • Several powerful monsters ready to threaten high level characters!

Written by: Vanessa Hoskins

Prey for Death is also available as a stunning faux leather bound Special Edition. (Illustrated right).

For more adventures, click here.

Who are the Red Mantis assassins?

From the Pathfinder Wiki

The Red Mantis are one of the most feared organizations in all of Golarion. This order of professional assassins is distinguished by their trademark bright red and black, light armor. They carry serrated blades (such as the sawtooth sabre), and wear frightful mantis masks granting them both an enhanced sense of sight and a terrifying visage. The red dye is a reference to the colour of their god Achaekek’s carapace.

Additional information

ISBN Number

ISBN-13: 978-1-64078-600-4

RP Publisher


Game System



Fantasy, High Fantasy

RP Type

Adventure, Hardback




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