Pathfinder Combat Pad – Second Edition


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On Track for Adventure!

Conflict in its many forms is a mainstay of most fantasy role playing games. Pathfinder GMs can Maintain the flow of combat with the Pathfinder Combat Pad initiative tracker! Usable with Pathfinder or any other roleplaying game, this board includes magnets that stick right to it. List the names of heroes and foes on the magnets using a wet or dry erase marker, then place them in initiative order. Easily track when a character delays their turn or starts dying by sliding the magnets. Take the uncertainty out of battle with this superb GM aid!

The Pathfinder Combat Pad comes with:

  • 1 double-sided magnetic wet and dry erase board, with areas to write in initiative numbers, track durations, and keep notes!
  • 2 sheets of magnets, including:
    • 34 red enemy magnets
    • 18 blue player character magnets
    • 14 green nonplayer character magnets
    • 4 gray hazard magnets
    • 8 arrows in different colors for tracking turns and durations
    • 4 condition magnets in different colors

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Additional information

ISBN Number

ISBN: 978-1-64078-177-1

Game System

5E, Basic Roleplaying System, BRP, d10, d100, d20, d6, DCC, Dungeon Crawl Classics, Fifth Edition, Lex Arcana, Old School, Old School Essentials, OSE, OSR, Pathfinder, S5S, Savage Worlds, Starfinder, SWAdE


Alternate History, Cryptid, D&D, Dungeons and Dragons, Fantasy, Folklore, High Fantasy, Historical, Horror, Low Fantasy, Pulp, Pulp / Adventure, Wu Xia

Other Accessories

GM Aid – Initiative Tracker

RP Publisher


RP Type





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