Pathfinder Pawns Bestiary 4 Box


6 in stock


Bestiary 4 box:  300+ Pawns for Pathfinder

The vicious horrors of Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 4 come alive on your tabletop with this box-busting collection of more than 300 creature pawns for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game or any tabletop fantasy RPG!

Printed on sturdy cardstock, each pawn contains a beautiful full-color image of a monster from the fourth volume in the Pathfinder RPG’s core monster reference series. Each cardboard pawn slots into a size-appropriate plastic base, making it easy to mix with traditional metal or plastic miniatures. With multiple pawns for commonly encountered monsters and over 200 distinct creature images, the Bestiary 4 Box is the best way to ensure you’ve got the perfect foes to make your Pathfinder campaign deadlier than ever!

The cast

Hundreds of monsters surge to life on your tabletop! Each has its own identification number for easy sorting. The Bestiary 4 Box includes:

Small (and smaller)

  1. Almiraj
  2. Alpluachra
  3. Beheaded (3)
  4. Boilborn (2)
  5. Chaneque (2)
  6. Comozant Wyrd
  7. Dark Dancer (2)
  8. Dinosaur, Velociraptor (3)
  9. Dossenus (2)
  10. Drake, Shadow
  11. Familiar, Archaeopteryx
  12. Familiar, Dodo (2)
  1. Familiar, Platypus
  2. Familiar, Sloth
  3. Familiar, Tuatara
  4. Flea, Giant (2)
  5. Fleshdreg (2)
  6. Fleshwarp, Halsora
  7. Formian Worker (4)
  8. Gathlain (2)
  9. Gearghost (2)
  10. Gremlin, Grimple
  11. Gremlin, Haniver
  12. Gremlin, Monaciello
  1. Incutilis (2)
  2. Isitoq (2)
  3. Leaf Ray (2)
  4. Locust Swarm (4)
  5. Lurking Ray, Executioner’s Hood
  6. Mindslaver Mold (2)
  7. Ningyo
  8. Nycar
  9. Pickled Punk (2)
  10. Pooka
  11. Psychopomp, Nosoi
  1. Rat King (2)
  2. Ratling (2)
  3. Scorpion, Greensting (2)
  4. Shredskin (2)
  5. Spider, Scarlet (2)
  6. Spring-Heeled Jack
  7. Tooth Fairy (2)
  8. Water Strider, Nymph
  9. Wayang (2)
  10. Wyrwood (2)


  1. Aoandon
  2. Blood Hag
  3. Changeling (2)
  4. Clockwork Mage (2)
  5. Contemplative
  6. Dark Caller (2)
  7. Devil, Host (3)
  8. Dinosaur, Dimorphodon
  9. Dorvae (2)
  10. Ectoplasmic Human (2)
  11. Einherji (2)
  12. Elder Thing
  13. Erlking
  14. Fachen
  15. Festering Spirit (2)
  16. Fleshwarp, Grothlut (2)
  17. Formian Taskmaster (2)
  18. Formian Warrior (4)
  19. Fossegrim
  20. Fungal Nymph
  21. Gaki
  22. Gallowdead (2)
  23. Galvo (2)
  1. Geist (2)
  2. Golem, Blood (2)
  3. Golem, Junk (2)
  4. Golem, Wax (2)
  5. Graeae (3)
  6. Great Old One, Hastur
  7. Hamadryad
  8. Harionago
  9. Herd Animal, Stag
  10. Huldra
  11. Hypnalis
  12. Ijiraq
  13. Immortal Ichor
  14. Incutilis (3)
  15. Jack-o’-lantern
  16. Kasatha
  17. Kitsune (2)
  18. Kyton, Ostiarius
  19. Kyton, Sacristan
  20. Lampad
  21. Leanan Sidhe
  22. Living Topiary (2)
  23. Locust, Giant (2)
  24. Lunarma
  1. Lycanthrope, Werebat (2)
  2. Lycanthrope, Werecrocodile (2)
  3. Lycanthrope, Wereshark (2)
  4. Maenad (3)
  5. Mi-go (3)
  6. Mudlord (2)
  7. Nagaji (2)
  8. Necrocraft (2)
  9. Nightgaunt (3)
  10. Nightmare Ettercap
  11. Oceanid (2)
  12. Owb (2)
  13. Pard (2)
  14. Phantom Armor (2)
  15. Psychopomp, Catrina (2)
  16. Psychopomp, Morrigna (2)
  17. Psychopomp, Vanth (2)
  18. Qallupilluk (2)
  19. Rokurokubi
  20. Saguaroi
  21. Samsaran (2)
  22. Sayona
  1. Selkie (2)
  2. Seps, Juvenile
  3. Shark, Bull (2)
  4. Shriezyx (3)
  5. Shulsaga (2)
  6. Snallygaster
  7. Soulbound Mannequin (2)
  8. Soulbound Shell
  9. Soulsliver
  10. Svartalfar (2)
  11. Swan Maiden (2)
  12. Tortoise, Giant
  13. Udaeus (3)
  14. Vampire, Nosferatu (2)
  15. Weasel, Giant
  16. Weedwhip (2)
  17. Wikkawak (2)
  18. Winter Hag
  19. Wyvaran (2)
  20. Xenopterid (3)
  21. Zombie Lord


  1. Ankou
  2. Apocalypse Locust (2)
  3. Brethedan
  4. Broken Soul Lillend
  5. Buggane (2)
  6. Cephalophore (2)
  7. Death Dog (2)
  8. Demon Lord, Pazuzu
  9. Devil, Drowning
  10. Drake, Lava
  11. Drake, Mist
  12. Drake, Spire
  13. Empyreal Lord, Cernunnos
  1. Empyreal Lord, Korada
  2. Empyreal Lord, Vildeis
  3. Flea, Mammoth
  4. Fleshwarp, Ghonhatine (2)
  5. Fleshwarp, Irnakurse (2)
  6. Formian Myrmarch (2)
  7. Formian Queen
  8. Freezing Flow
  9. Gholdako
  10. Giant, Cliff (2)
  11. Giant, River (2)
  12. Giant, Slag (2)
  1. Golem, Coral
  2. Great Old One, Bokrug
  3. Grendel
  4. Hungry Flesh
  5. Hyakume
  6. Karkinoi (2)
  7. Living Wall (3)
  8. Lorelei
  9. Mummified Gynosphinx
  10. Nependis (2)
  11. Peluda
  12. Sea Cat
  1. Seahorse, Giant (2)
  2. Seaweed Siren
  3. Shobhad
  4. Skinstitch
  5. Spawn of Yog-sothoth
  6. Tikbalang
  7. Trox(2)
  8. Tyrant Jelly
  9. Vouivre
  10. Walrus
  11. Water Strider, Giant
  12. Weasel, Dire


  1. Abaia
  2. Clockwork Dragon
  3. Colour out of space
  4. Demon Lord, Dagon
  5. Demon Lord, Kostchtchie
  6. Devil, Nemesis
  7. Divine Guardian hydra
  8. Drakainia
  9. Elohim
  1. Flying Polyp
  2. Gashadokuro
  3. Giant, Ocean
  4. Jinmenju
  5. Kapre
  6. Lurking Ray, Lurker Above (2)
  7. Lurking Ray, Trapper
  8. Manitou
  1. Outer Dragon, Lunar
  2. Outer Dragon, Solar
  3. Outer Dragon, Time
  4. Outer Dragon, Void
  5. Outer Dragon, Vortex
  6. Psychopomp, Yamaraj
  7. Seps
  8. Shard Slag
  1. Shark, Great White
  2. Star-Spawn of Cthulhu (2)
  3. Taniniver
  4. Tiberolith
  5. Tunche
  6. Xanthos
  7. Yaoguai
  8. Ypotryll
Click here to check out our full range of Pathfinder pawns.

Additional information

Game System

5E, Basic Roleplaying System, BRP, d10, d100, d20, d6, DCC, Dungeon Crawl Classics, Fifth Edition, Lex Arcana, Old School, Old School Essentials, OSE, OSR, Pathfinder, S5S, Savage Worlds, SWAdE


D&D, Dungeons and Dragons, Fantasy, Folklore, High Fantasy, Horror, Low Fantasy

Miniatures and Pawns

Figures, Models, Paizo, Pawns, Savage Worlds, Standees

RP Publisher


RP Type

Accessory, Boxed Set


Castles and Crusades, Chivalry & Sorcery, D&D, Dungeons & Dragons, Fantasy, Pathfinder, Pathfinder for Savage Worlds, PFSW


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