Lost Omens: Divine Mysteries Special Edition


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Divine Mysteries Special Edition for Lost Omens

Uncover the secrets of the gods in style with Lost Omens Divine Mysteries Special Edition! This deluxe special edition is faux leather bound with metallic deboss cover elements, and has a bound-in ribbon bookmark.

The release date for this item is Wednesday, December 11th 

All-powerful deities influence every corner of the Lost Omens setting. Whether you’re a valorous champion calling the righteous power of your patron down upon wicked foes or a sneaky rogue asking the god of thievery for a blessing on your next heist, faith and the forces behind it are key to every character’s identity.

Within this volume, you’ll find details on the gods and non-deific faiths of the Age of Lost Omens from the perspective of their clergy and lay worshippers. The book also grants a glimpse into the machinations of a god, exploring how a new god rises, why a god takes worshippers in the first place, and what occurs when a god dies.

This 320-page resource is a remastered update and expansion of the popular Lost Omens Gods & Magic volume! Designed for players and Game Masters, this is comprehensive look at all things divine is  an essential addition to any Pathfinder Second Edition campaign. The book updates all your favorite Pathfinder Second Edition deities, providing everything you need to know when playing with updated rules found in Pathfinder Player Core and Pathfinder Player Core 2, updating domains, spells, and other mechanics. These include expansions on existing classes like new witch patrons, new archetypes like the Rivethun emissary and powerful mortal herald, and new class archetypes like the battle harbinger option for clerics. The book also includes brand new character options and several additional divine entities never before explored in any Pathfinder reference!

Divine Mysteries is also available as a standard hardback. 


Additional information

Game System

d20, Pathfinder


Fantasy, High Fantasy

RP Publisher


RP Type

Alternate Cover, Campaign Setting, Hardback, Special Edition, Supplement



ISBN Number



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