Pathfinder Inner Sea Pawn Box


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Inner Sea Pawn box:  230+ Classic Pawns for Pathfinder

The colorful characters of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game’s Inner Sea setting come alive on your tabletop with this box-busting collection of more than 200 character pawns for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game or any tabletop fantasy RPG! Printed on sturdy cardstock, each pawn contains a beautiful full-color image of a specialized character from one of the diverse nations and cultures of the Inner Sea region. Each cardboard pawn slots into a size-appropriate plastic base, making it easy to mix with traditional metal or plastic miniatures. With multiple pawns for common character types and over 200 distinct character images, the Inner Sea Pawn Box is the best way to ensure you’ve got the perfect foes to make your Pathfinder campaign deadlier than ever!

Inner Sea Pawn Box Set List

Hundreds of monsters surge to life on your tabletop! Each has its own identification number for easy sorting. The Inner Sea Pawn Box includes:


1.       Aspis Consortium Spy (2)

2.       Balazar, Summoner

3.       Bellflower Tiller* (2)

4.       Bellflower Tiller* (2)

5.       Bleachling Lunatic

6.       Charau-Ka Warrior (5)

7.       Chuffy Lickwound

8.       Daggermark Poisoner (2)

9.       Eagle Knight Halfling

10.    Enora, Arcanist

11.    Mogmurch

12.    Okeno Liberator

13.    Pathfinder Loreseeker

14.    Poog of Zarongel

15.    Priest of Desna

16.    Priestess of Nethys

17.    Priestess of Norgorber

18.    Priestess of Zon-Kuthon

19.    Reta Bigbad

20.    Usaro Rebel (3)


21.    Absalom Guard (6)

22.    Adowyn, Hunter

23.    Adril Hestram

24.    Alahazra, Oracle

25.    Alain, Cavalier

26.    Aldori Swordlord*

27.    Aldori Swordlord*

28.    Alkenstar Shieldmarshal (4)

29.    Anaphexia Assassin (4)

30.    Android Monk (2)

31.    Android Warrior (2)

32.    Arcanamirium Sorcerer (2)

33.    Arclord of Nex

34.    Aspis Consortium Commander

35.    Aspis Consortium Soldier (3)

36.    Aspis Consortium Thug (3)

37.    Averaka Giant Slayer (2)

38.    Belkzen Warchief (2)

39.    Blackfire Adept Summoner (3)

40.    Blackraven Scout (4)

41.    Bloatmage*

42.    Bloatmage*

43.    Blue Warder (3)

44.    Chernasardo Sniper (3)

45.    Crowe, Bloodrager

46.    Cyphermage*

47.    Cyphermage*

48.    Daggermark Poisoner (2)

49.    Damiel, Alchemist

50.    Decemvirate Member

51.    Drow Matron

52.    Duergar Slaver (3)

53.    Duskwarden (3)

54.    Eagle Knight Commander (2)

55.    Eagle Knight Soldier (4)

56.    Eando Kline

57.    Feiya, Witch

58.    Fierani Demon Hunter (4)

59.    Geb Blood Lord

60.    Gillman Warrior (3)

61.    Gillman Wave Rider (2)

62.    Grandmaster Torch

63.    Gray Gardener (4)

64.    Gray Maiden (4)

65.    Gray Maiden Commander

66.    Green Faith Druid (4)

67.    Green Faith High Druid

68.    Hakon, Skald

69.    Half-Orc Pit Fighter (2)

70.    Harbinger Disciple (3)

71.    Harrower*

72.    Harrower*

73.    Hayato, Samurai

74.    Hellknight Armiger (4)

75.    Hellknight Signifer*

76.    Hellknight Signifer*

77.    House of Perfection Monk (3)

78.    Imrijka, Inquisitor

79.    Ironmaster Ytharia Vulane

80.    Iroran Champion

81.    Jinx Eater (2)

82.    Jirelle, Swashbuckler

83.    Keleshite Entertainer

84.    Kess, Brawler

85.    Kitharodian Academy Bard

86.    Kitharodian Academy Performer

87.    Knight of Ozem* (2)

88.    Knight of Ozem* (2)

89.    Knight of the Ioun Star

90.    Kortash Khain

91.    Korvosan Shingles Runner (3)

92.    Kuru Cannibal (4)

93.    Lantern Bearer (3)

94.    Lion Blade of Taldor (4)

95.    Lirianne, Gunslinger

96.    Low Templar (3)

97.    Magaambya Arcanist (3)

98.    Magaambya Instructor

99.    Maurya-Rahm Advisor

100. Mendevian Crusader* (3)

101. Mendevian Crusader* (3)

102. Molthuni Soldier (4)

103. Mushfens Cabalist (3)

104. Night Herald Cultist (3)

105. Old Ones Cultist (3)

106. Old-Mage Jatembe

107. Oloch, Warpriest

108. Order of the Chain Hellknight (3)

109. Order of the Gate Hellknight (3)

110. Order of the Godclaw Hellknight (3)

111. Order of the Nail Hellknight (3)

112. Order of the Pyre Hellknight (3)

113. Order of the Rack Hellknight (3)

114. Order of the Scourge Hellknight (3)

115. Pactmaster of Katapesh (3)

116. Padrig

117. Pain Taster (2)

118. Pathfinder Braggart

119. Pathfinder Chronicler

120. Pathfinder Explorer

121. Pathfinder Hunter

122. Pathfinder Priest

123. Pathfinder Sneak

124. Pathfinder Spellcaster

125. Pathfinder Venture-Captain

126. Pathfinder Wanderer

127. Pathfinder Warrior

128. Pirate Marauder (4)

129. Priest of Abadar

130. Priest of Asmodeus

131. Priest of Calistria

132. Priest of Cayden Cailean

133. Priest of Erastil

134. Priest of Gorum

135. Priest of Gozreh

136. Priest of Iomedae

137. Priest of Irori

138. Priest of Lamashtu

139. Priest of Nethys

140. Priest of Norgorber

141. Priest of Pharasma

142. Priest of Rovagug

143. Priest of Sarenrae

144. Priest of Shelyn

145. Priest of Torag

146. Priest of Urgathoa

147. Priest of Zon-Kuthon

148. Priestess of Abadar

149. Priestess of Asmodeus

150. Priestess of Calistria

151. Priestess of Cayden Cailean

152. Priestess of Desna

153. Priestess of Erastil

154. Priestess of Gorum

155. Priestess of Gozreh

156. Priestess of Iomedae

157. Priestess of Irori

158. Priestess of Lamashtu

159. Priestess of Pharasma

160. Priestess of Rovagug

161. Priestess of Sarenrae

162. Priestess of Shelyn

163. Priestess of Torag

164. Priestess of Urgathoa

165. Prophet of Kalistrade*

166. Prophet of Kalistrade*

167. Puddles Peddler

168. Pure Legionnaire (4)

169. Pure Legionnaire Commander

170. Quinn, Investigator

171. Razmiran Cultist (4)

172. Razmiran Priest (2)

173. Red Mantis Acolyte (2)

174. Red Mantis Assassin (5)

175. Red Mantis Elite (3)

176. Red Mantis Leader

177. Reiko, Ninja

178. Riftwarden (4)

179. Risen Guard* (3)

180. Risen Guard* (3)

181. River Kingdoms Brigand (4)

182. Rough Rampager (3)

183. Sable Company Marine (3)

184. Sczarni Crime Boss

185. Sczarni Mystic (2)

186. Sczarni Thief (4)

187. Seltyiel, Magus

188. Shackles Pirate* (4)

189. Shackles Pirate* (4)

190. Shackles Pirate Captain*

191. Shackles Pirate Captain*

192. Shardra, Shaman

193. Shoanti Gladiator (3)

194. Silent Enforcer (4)

195. Sister of the Golden Erinyes (4)

196. Sleepless Detective (3)

197. Sodden Scavenger (4)

198. Strix Warrior (4)

199. Strix Witch

200. Taldan Noble*

201. Taldan Noble*

202. Technic League Spellcaster (2)

203. Thrune Agent* (2)

204. Thrune Agent* (2)

205. Tian Monk* (2)

206. Tian Monk* (2)

207. Tian Sage

208. Ulfen Guard Commander

209. Ulfen Guard of Taldor (2)

210. Ulfen Hunter (2)

211. Ulfen Longboat Captain

212. Ulfen Raider (5)

213. Usij Cabalist (3)

214. Uskwood Druid (2)

215. Ustalavic Duelist

216. Varisian Merchant (2)

217. Varisian Wanderer (3)

218. Way of the Kirin Agent

219. White Witch (2)

220. Zadim, Slayer


221. Absalom Wave Rider (3)

222. Alain on Donahan

223. God Caller with Eidolon

224. Jarl Gnargorak

225. Knight of Ozem, Mounted (4)

226. Mistress of Blades Maidrayne Vox

227. Mounted Hellknight (4)

228. Qadiran Horselord (4)

229. Ruthazek the Gorilla King

230. Sable Company Marine, Mounted (3)

231. Shoanti Burn Rider (3)

* Indicates box includes multiple images for this character type.

Click here to check out our full range of Pathfinder pawns.

Additional information

Game System

5E, Basic Roleplaying System, BRP, d10, d100, d20, d6, DCC, Dungeon Crawl Classics, Fifth Edition, Lex Arcana, Old School, Old School Essentials, OSE, OSR, Pathfinder, S5S, Savage Worlds, SWAdE


D&D, Dungeons and Dragons, Fantasy, Folklore, High Fantasy, Horror, Low Fantasy

Miniatures and Pawns

Figures, Models, Paizo, Pawns, Savage Worlds, Standees

RP Publisher


RP Type

Accessory, Boxed Set


Castles and Crusades, Chivalry & Sorcery, D&D, Dungeons & Dragons, Fantasy, Pathfinder, Pathfinder for Savage Worlds, PFSW


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