Pathfinder Flip-Tiles: Darklands Fire Caves Expansion Set


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Pathfinder Flip-Tiles: Darklands Fire Caves Expansion

There’s an entire sprawling world of adventure below your feet! Flip-Tiles: Darklands Fire Caves Expansion is an expansion to Flip-Tiles: Darklands Starter Set. The set contains 24 full-color 6 x 6-inch double-sided tiles, each stunningly crafted by cartographer Jason A. Engle. Your players can navigate twisting tunnels, brave bubbling rivers of magma, or explore the lava tubes twisting below a volcanic mountain range. All perfect for the next time the heroes wander too deeply into the depths!

Suitable for experienced GMs and novices alike, this product fits perfectly into any Game Master’s arsenal. Wet, dry, and permanent markers erase from the tiles! These double-sided Darklands tiles come in convenient packaging for easy storage.

  • Sink holesDarklands Fire Caves Expanios Example
  • Lava pools and streams
  • Lairs and stairs
  • Stalagmites and stalagtites










All Paizo Flip-Tiles are suitable for use with a wide range of RPGs across all genres and game systems. If you need a location for your next adventure, Check our full range here.

Cleaning permanent marker from a Flip-Tile is simple. Just trace over the permanent marker lines with a dry erasable pen and wait ten seconds. Then, simply wipe both marks off with a dry cloth or paper towel. Your Flip-Tile is then ready for the next adventure!

Click here to see the full range of GMS fantasy RPGs.

Additional information

Maps and Map Packs

Pathfinder / Starfinder, Savage Worlds

Game System

Pathfinder, Savage Worlds


D&D, Dungeons and Dragons, Fantasy, High Fantasy, Low Fantasy

RP Publisher




RP Type


ISBN Number



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