Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Bigger Pirate Ship


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Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Bigger Pirate Ship

What’s worse than a pirate ship on your tail on the high seas? An EVEN BIGGER pirate ship! Whether your heroes decide to board the enemy vessel or purchase a sprawling ship of their own, Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Bigger Pirate Ship has you covered. Each side of this Flip-Mat features views of an enormous sailing ship and its decks. Don’t waste your time sketching when you could be playing. Now you’ll be ready next time your players decide not to turn tail and run and meet those pirates head-on!

Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Bigger Pirate Ship measures 27 by 39 inches, giving you 45% more gaming space than the standard Pathfinder Flip-Mat. On tabletops across the world, the Flip-Mat Revolution is changing the way players run their fantasy roleplaying games! Why take the time to sketch out ugly scenery on a smudgy plastic mat when dynamic encounters and easy cleanup is just a Flip away?

Pathfinder Flip-Mat Bigger Pirate Ship example 1 Pathfinder Flip-Mat Bigger Pirate Ship example 2


Cleaning permanent marker from a Flip-Mat is really simple. Just trace over the permanent marker lines with a dry erasable pen, wait ten seconds, then wipe both marks off with a dry cloth or paper towel. Your Flip-Mat is then ready for the next group to venture this way!

All Paizo Flip-Mats are suitable for use with a wide range of RPGs across all genres and game systems. If you need a location for your next adventure, Check our full range of Flip-Mats here.

Additional information

Maps and Map Packs

Pathfinder / Starfinder, Savage Worlds

Game System

Pathfinder, Savage Worlds


D&D, Dungeons and Dragons, Fantasy, High Fantasy, Low Fantasy

RP Publisher




RP Type


ISBN Number



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