Necessary Evil Conviction tokens


6 in stock


Heavy Metal Conviction Tokens for Necessary Evil

This set of five metal Necessary Evil Conviction Tokens add serious weight to using this valuable resource!

What is Conviction?

In Savage Worlds, a Conviction point is a special resource representing a character’s heroic resolve, inspiration, or deep commitment to their ideals. Introduced in Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (SWADE), Conviction is a powerful narrative and mechanical tool. Here’s what it does and how it works:

Obtaining ConvictionNecessary Evil Conviction Tokens isolated

  • Conviction is not something players start with by default. Instead, it is awarded by the Game Master (GM) for exceptional roleplaying, acts of heroism, or significant moments which resonate deeply with the character’s story.
  • Examples include fulfilling a personal vow, overcoming a great fear, or experiencing a pivotal moment of growth or tragedy.

Effects of a Conviction Point

When a character spends a Conviction point:

  • Bonus Die: The character gains a d6 bonus die which is added to all Trait rolls and damage rolls for one round. This includes any rolls made on the character’s turn or rolls made to resist effects during that round.
  • Critical Success: If the bonus die results in a natural 6, it “aces” (roll again and add the total) just like other dice in Savage Worlds.

Key Features

  • Rare and Special: Conviction is a rare reward which highlights important narrative beats or major character achievements.
  • Temporary Resource: Characters can only hold one Conviction point at a time. Once spent, they must earn another through gameplay.

Strategy and Usage

Because of its power, Conviction is typically saved for critical moments, such as:

  • Turning the tide of a desperate battle.
  • Ensuring success on a pivotal roll.
  • Overcoming a particularly dangerous obstacle.

In summary, Conviction points are a high-impact, narrative-driven resource designed to empower characters during their most dramatic or defining moments in Savage Worlds gameplay.



Additional information

Weight 0.3 kg
Game System

Savage Worlds, Suitable for all


Modern, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Super Hero

Other Accessories

Savage Worlds Bennies, Tokens and Coins

RP Publisher

Pinnacle Entertainment Group

RP Type



Necessary Evil


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