Lex Arcana – Encyclopaedia Arcana


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Lex Arcana: The alternate history RPG set in a Roman Empire which did not fall

The Encyclopaedia Arcana’s 226 pages describe the Roman Empire in which the Lex Arcana role-playing game is set. A Rome very different from that taught in school. A Rome in which magic, the supernatural, and the gods coexist with the legions, hordes of barbarians and wild beasts.

The Encyclopaedia Arcana is the definitive Lex Arcana setting compendium, with innumerable ideas for players.Encyclopaedia Arcana book

  • Detailed descriptions of the 20 Provinces of the Roman Empire and communication routes
  • The structure of Imperial organization, bureaucracy and legions, including the Cohors Auxiliaria Arcana
  • Roman culture, economy and society, from banquets to smuggling
  • Detailed entries on Medicamenta, Poisons and Potions
  • New secrets linked to Divination, Magic and Prophecies
  • The map section details military camps, harbors, and other locations you can easily drop into your adventures.

The Encyclopaedia Arcana is the shortest path to bring your adventures to a whole new level of detail, for the glory of Rome and our Empire without end!

Encyclopaedia Arcana requires the Lex Arcana core rulebook for play. Don’t forget to check out our other stunning Lex Arcana products:

Additional information

Game System

Lex Arcana


Alternate History, Historical, Low Fantasy

RP Publisher

Acheron, Acheron Games

RP Type

Adventure, Expansion, Hardback, Supplement

ISBN Number



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