Legend of Ghost Mountain Bennies


17 in stock


Ghost mountain themed Bennies

Legend of Ghost Mountain Bennies is a set of 25 plastic poker style chips featuring stunning Legend of Ghost Mountain artwork on the faces.

What are Bennies?

Bennies are a staple of Savage Worlds play. They represent a character’s luck, desire to succeed, will to live, and so much more. In play, a Bennie can be used to: Legend of Ghost Mountain Bennies

  • Affect the story
  • Soak damage
  • Reroll the dice
  • Gain extra Power Points for magic using characters
  • Re-draw an initiative card to affect a combat situation

And much, much more.

What is the Legend of Ghost Mountain?

Ghost Mountain is a sacred site containing a physical gate to the underworld, and the Ghost Wardens who reside there are dedicated to making sure the souls of the dead pass peacefully through to the afterlife. But something has gone wrong. An army of the dead is rampaging across the land, committing atrocities against the living. Only the Ghost Wardens can set things right.

What is Savage Worlds?

The short answer is: Savage Worlds is a generic roleplaying game which can handle literally anything you throw at it. Create your own setting, convert an existing one, or pick up one of the amazing settings like Deadlands, Pinebox Middle School, or Rifts®. There are even third party settings like The Secret Files of Section D and Zeta Complex available. Don’t forget our amazing range of accessories!

Additional information

Weight 0.3 kg
Game System

Savage Worlds


Alternate History, Cryptid, Fantasy, Folklore, High Fantasy, Historical, Pulp / Adventure, Wu Xia

Other Accessories

Savage Worlds Bennies

RP Publisher

Pinnacle Entertainment Group

RP Type



Legend of Ghost Mountain


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