Investigator Weapons Volume 3 – Gaslight


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Investigator Weapons Volume 3 for Gaslight:

Presenting a carefully chosen selection of fin de siècle weapons for use by late 19th century Call of Cthulhu investigators and Keepers, Investigator Weapons Volume 3 covers handguns, rifles, shotguns, machine guns, mêlée weapons, explosives, and special ammunition. It gathers together all the spot rules for injury, environmental conditions, and firearms combat in one place, as well as introducing many optional rules for enhanced play.

The illustrations and detailed descriptions cover each weapon and its variant models. Significantly, the guidelines explain each weapon’s operation and its typical malfunctions.. Finishing each weapon description is the movie use of the weapon—so you can see it in action—and a comprehensive statistics bar.

Keepers gain access to typical weapons for non-player characters, as are likely weapons for cultists from around the world. A Keeper’s chapter examines the consequences of magic on firearms and ammunition, and the effect of firearms on Mythos creatures.

What is Call of Cthulhu?

Call of Cthulhu is the world’s best roleplaying game of mystery and horror.

In Call of Cthulhu, you take on the role of everyday people who become investigators of the unknown—whether they are prepared or not. The mysterious places, people, and situations you encounter are often not what they seem—you and your friends are the only thing standing in the way of diabolical cults and cosmic monsters from beyond space!


Call of Cthulhu investigators come from all walks of life, be they journalists, librarians, or school teachers, or even private eyes, taxi drivers, or a hobo. Rational means cannot explain the mysteries they face. Mysteries riddled with ancient and forgotten lore that humanity was not meant to know.

Every investigator is unique. In Call of Cthulhu, you’ll make a number of choices to create your very own investigator, including:
  • Your occupation.
  • Your skills.
  • The people in your life who are important to you.
  • Locations that are meaningful to you.
  • Items you carry of personal significance.
  • Your ideology and beliefs.

Check out our other Call of Cthulhu products here.

Additional information


Call of Cthulhu

RP Type

Campaign Setting, Expansion, Softback

RP Publisher

Sixty Stone Press

ISBN Number



Alternate History, Horror


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