Flip-Mat: Boarding School


14 in stock


Flip-Mats not just for the Boarding School

Maps for whenever your players spend time at a school or university, but so much more as well. Whether they are students themselves, or responsible for solving a tricky problem before things get out of hand, turn to Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Boarding School!Boarding School example 1

Schools are prime settings for adventures of all sorts. These could be delves into the true nature of the frightful legends spoken of in hushed whispers after dark,  struggles to contain the results of failed alchemical experiments, or lighthearted tales of schoolyard mischief and learning.

The Flip-Mat Boarding School set contains:

Side one of this map is a school building with everything you need for an academic adventure. There are classrooms, a lunchroom, and a library.




Boarding School example 2 rot

The other side shows a pair of dormitories flanking a central courtyard. GMs can use these to represent inn rooms or other shared lodgings if required.

Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Boarding School measures 24″ x 30″ unfolded, and 8″ x 10″ folded. A Flip-Mat’s coated surface can handle any dry erase, wet erase, or even permanent marker. Usable by experienced GMs and novices alike, Pathfinder Flip-Mats fit perfectly into any Game Master’s arsenal!

All Paizo Flip-Mats are suitable for use with a wide range of RPGs across all genres and game systems. If you need a location for your next adventure, Check our full range of Flip-Mats here.





Additional information

ISBN Number

ISBN-13: 978-1-64078-572-4

Game System

5E, Basic Roleplaying System, BRP, d10, d100, d20, d6, DCC, Dungeon Crawl Classics, Fifth Edition, Old School, Old School Essentials, OSE, OSR, Pathfinder, S5S, Savage Worlds, SWAdE


Alternate History, Cryptid, D&D, Dungeons and Dragons, Espionage, Fantasy, Folklore, High Fantasy, Historical, Horror, Low Fantasy, Modern, Pulp, Pulp / Adventure, Spies, Steampunk

Maps and Map Packs

Pathfinder / Starfinder

RP Publisher


RP Type

Accessory, Supplement


Call of Cthulhu, CoC, Pathfinder, Pathfinder for Savage Worlds, PFSW


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