Feed the Shoggoth!


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Feed the Shoggoth!

Feed the Shoggoth is a devious and fast-paced card game. Players each control a different cult faction, facing a very angry and hungry Shoggoth in the middle of the table. Earn points by sacrificing minions from your cult to the Shoggoth. This is bad news for the Minions, but what do you expect when you join an evil cult? However, the Shoggoth is indiscriminate in who he eats. If you can’t feed the Shoggoth a Minion on your turn, it eats you, and you’re out of the game!

During your turn, if the Shoggoth is in front of you, you can sacrifice one Minion from your hand. Other Cult Leaders at the table can disrupt your sacrifice by moving the Shoggoth away using spells, stealing Minions from your hand, or any one of many dastardly methods (Rival Cult Leaders are insidious that way).

If the active player keeps the Shoggoth in front of them during their sacrifice phase, the Minion is gobbled up and the player earns a point token. The Shoggoth then moves one player to the left and the active player draws back up to their hand limit.

Feed the Shoggoth! is a game for 3-6 players, where the aim is to be the first Cult Leader to reach the victory point total (variable depending on the number of players), or to be the last Cult Leader standing!Feed the shaggoth 2

A Shoggoth, in case you don’t know, is a large, amorphous blob of protoplasmic flesh, and the creation of horror author H.P. Lovecraft. The Shoggoth can create eyes, mouths, and pseudopods at will. It is an extremely powerful beast, and not to be trifled with. Unless you’re an insane Cult Leader with delusions of grandeur, of course.


Additional information




Feed the Shoggoth


Cards, Humour, Pocket Game


Call of Cthulhu

Game Type

Core Game

Playing Time

30-60 minutes

Number of Players



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