De Horrore Cosmico


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De Horrore Cosmico – Six Scenarios for Cthulhu Invictus

Welcome to De Horrore Cosmico. Long before ivy grew on the walls of Miskatonic University or the Deep Ones first came to Innsmouth, centuries before the mad Arab penned the dreaded Necronomicon, the malevolent powers of Cthulhu Mythos plagued mankind. During the Age of the Antonines (96AD – 192AD) when the Roman Empire was at the peak of its power, dark and unknowable remnants of alien civilizations, foul cults practiced unholy rites, and inhuman creatures sought to mix their blood with ours.


The Vetting of Marius Asina by Jeffrey Moeller,

Doom by Chad Bowser,

Murmillo by Oscar Rios,

Kith and Kine by Phredd Groves,

The Devils Mouth by Stuart Boon,

The Case of Tertiius Orestius Sedonius by Penelope Love & Mark Morrison,

Patrone Mi Patrone-Six Patrons for Cthulhu Invictus by Stuart Boon, Phredd Groves, Jeffrey Moeller and Oscar Rios. 

What is Cthulhu Invictus?

cthulhu invictus

The Roman Empire is at war. It’s a secret war against the forces of evil, darkness and chaos, a war known as the shadow war.  It mixes the Cthulhu Mythos with the mythology of the ancient Greeks, Romans, Celts, Germans, Egyptians, and so on.

Cults that worship the Great Old Ones or Outer Gods may be outlawed and therefore operating underground, or officially tolerated or supported by the Imperial authorities. Barbarian tribes often worship one of the Mythos entities and the cults operate in foreign kingdoms. Orgies and human sacrifice in their name happens both within the cities and on the frontier. Deep Ones trade and interbreed with some of the coastal communities. Roman soldiers investigate and hunt down the cults outside of the cities, battling the monsters and their barbarian worshippers—if they don’t get slaughtered first


You will need at least one copy of the Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition Rulebook to play Cthulhu Invictus.

Check out our other Call of Cthulhu products here.

Additional information


Call of Cthulhu, Cthulhu Invictus

RP Type

Expansion, Softback, Supplement

RP Publisher

GGP, Golden Goblin Press

ISBN Number



Alternate History, Horror


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