Castles & Crusades Players Handbook 9th printing.
Castles & Crusades is a quick to learn, easy to play, fantasy table top role playing game with a wide range of customization. With a simple yet diverse attribute-based rules system, players have a flexible mechanic for handling all in-game situations. Players choose among 13 archetypal character classes, and 7 classic fantasy races with which to create their characters. Spells, equipment, fast-paced combat rules, and all essential information needed to play a game of Castles & Crusades are in the Players Handbook.
If you want be the Game Master, or Castle Keeper, for C&C, you should check out the only other book you’ll really need, Monsters & Treasure.Â
This printing of the Players Handbook bears the stunning Jason Walton artwork paying homage to the world’s oldest RPG
Summary of chapters In the Players Handbook
- The RPG: In the opening pages, we explain the tools you need and how to play a game of Castles & Crusades. We explain the basics of the attribute check system, the Siege Engine, and touch on attribute modifiers and attribute checks.
- The Classes: 13 character classes are presented. (Check out the Adventurers Backpack for even more classes!)
- The Races: Expand your character with one of seven classic fantasy races. Each unique race includes different mechanics and their strengths and weaknesses.
- Completing the Character: Names, equipment, alignment, and other tools to bring your character to life.
- Magic: Explore the four major spellcasting classes, Cleric, Druid, Wizard, and Illusionist, how they cast spells, and the spells they cast.
- Spell Descriptions: Hundreds of spells put into simple words with all the required information for your table to run smoothly.
- The Castle Keeper & the Game: Expanding upon the Siege Engine core mechanic, and how to play using attribute checks. (Don’t miss the Castle Keepers Guide for more optional rules and a mountain of material on how to play!)
- Combat: Explores the easy to learn combat system including how to begin and run fights. The necessary stats and rolls, surprise, initiative, non-lethal combat, melee and ranged, unarmed, situational modifiers, armor class, maneuvers, hit points, and damage are all covered.
- Turning Undead: The cleric and paladin both have special abilities when it comes to controlling or destroying the undead.
- Rewards: Awarding treasure and experience points allowing the characters and the game to advance, literally to the next level.
- Movement, Spell Resistance, Languages, Vision & Time: All these aspects come into play sometime. Each is dealt with and explained, making deployment at the table fast and easy.
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