Castles & Crusades Players Handbook 8th Printing


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Special offer! Castles & Crusades Players Handbook – 8th Printing

Castles & Crusades doesn’t do “editions”, it does printings. The core rules of the game remain just as they were when the First Printing of the Players Handbook came out in 2004. Sure it’s a lot prettier these days, and there’s more information in the books, but it’s essentially the same game.

The 8th printing of the Players Handbook is pretty much identical to the current 9th printing but with one key difference, the cover art. The 9th printing carries Jason Walton’s homage to the original AD&D artwork, this printing depicts an embattled fighter engaged with a demon from another realm. Other than that, a couple of errata were fixed in the 9th printing, and that’s it!

This book is totally compatible with all the Castles & Crusades products we offer.

Thanks to our friends at Troll Lord Games, we can offer the Players Hanbook 8th Printing at the stunning price of just £20.

Summary of chapters In the Players Handbook

  • The RPG: The opening pages discuss the tools you need and how to play a game of Castles & Crusades. We explain the basics of the attribute check system, the Siege Engine, and touch on attribute modifiers and attribute checks.
  • The Classes: 13 character classes are presented. (Check out the Adventurers Backpack for even more classes!)
  • The Races: Expand your character with one of seven classic fantasy races. Each unique race includes different mechanics to portray their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Completing the Character: Names, equipment, alignment, and other tools to bring your character to life.
  • Magic: Explore the four major spellcasting classes, Cleric, Druid, Wizard, and Illusionist, how they cast spells, and the spells they cast.
  • Spell Descriptions: Hundreds of spells put into simple words with all the required information for your table to run smoothly.
  • The Castle Keeper & the Game: Expanding the Siege Engine core mechanics, and how to play using attribute checks. (Don’t miss the Castle Keepers Guide for more optional rules and a mountain of material on how to play!)
  • Combat: Explores the easy to learn combat system including how to begin and run fights. The necessary stats and rolls, surprise, initiative, non-lethal combat, melee and ranged, unarmed, situational modifiers, armor class, maneuvers, hit points, and damage are all covered.
  • Turning Undead: The cleric and paladin both have special abilities when it comes to controlling or destroying the undead.
  • Rewards: Awarding treasure and experience points allowing the characters and the game to advance, literally to the next level.
  • Movement, Spell Resistance, Languages, Vision & Time: All these aspects come into play sometime. Each is explained making deployment at the table fast and easy.

Additional information

Weight 1.005 kg
Game System



Fantasy, High Fantasy

RP Publisher

Troll Lord Games

RP Type

Core Rules, Hardback


C&C, Castles & Crusades Aihrde, Castles & Crusades Core, Castles and Crusades


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