Castles & Crusades Monsters and Treasure


21 in stock


Monsters and Treasure is the second Core rulebook for Castle Keepers for Castles and Crusades

Monsters & Treasure contains over 400 monsters for your Castles & Crusades game. Beasts of legend and myth, monsters great and small, these are the minstrel’s fare! Dragons, giants, orcs, foul-minded fey, the dreaded hydra, the riddling sphynx, the naga, wyverns, griffons, and so very much more. They’re all here, ready to take on your adventurous heroes.

Each entry contains an in-depth description of the monster along with its nature, habits, the territories they occupy, their predilections, and all other relevant material. All the statistical information the CK requires to run the monster in the game is here including their mountains of treasure, both magical and mundane.

Contained within this book is a wealth of information for the Castle Keeper. Along with the monsters there are hundreds of unique treasure items, advice on roleplaying monsters, handling combat with monsters, creating challenging enemies, rules for awarding treasures, and creating magic items.

This printing of the Monsters & Treasure book bears the stunning Jason Walton artwork paying homage to the world’s oldest RPG

You need a copy of the Castles & Crusades Players Handbook alongside Monsters & Treasue to play C&C as the Castle Keeper.

To add some real variety and rule enhancements to your game, check out the Castle Keepers Guide.


Additional information

Weight 1.4 kg
Game System



Fantasy, High Fantasy, Low Fantasy

RP Publisher

Troll Lord Games

RP Type

Core Rules, Hardback


Castles & Crusades Aihrde, Castles & Crusades Core, Castles and Crusades


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