Castles & Crusades Engineering Castles


12 in stock


Engineering Castles is the companion book to Engineering Dungeons.  

Bastions of Timber & Stone

The call to adventure rarely limits itself to dungeons of earth and stone. The call to adventure just as often summons brave souls to plunder the halls of war and worship, looming towers, or castles set in forbidden ancient heartwood glades, lost in time. But not all are hidden. Some are welcoming bastions for the wayward traveller while others are the holdings of creatures most foul. Still more bear foreboding edifices, casting a mocking shadow. Be they castle, ruin or manor, each beckons a promise of treasure, a glimpse of chance, and a portent of fate.


Game Masters always have many floor-plans of places through which unsuspecting player characters dare to venture. These plans generally take the forms of underground complexes, or even wilderness or urban areas, but few have much stock for the “other” locales such as bastions, keeps, temples, and castles. This tome remedies that situation and provides the Game Master the tools and templates to design such from nothing or, if desired, to modify an existing structure with new and unknown features, which may be otherwise familiar traits.

Engineering Castles is an evergreen title in the Castles & Crusades line-up and has been in print since 2011. This is the latest 2022 revision of the book.

Additional information

Weight 0.46 kg
Game System

5E, d20, DCC, Dungeon Crawl Classics, Fifth Edition, Lex Arcana, Old School, Old School Essentials, OSE, OSR, Pathfinder, Savage Worlds, SWAdE


Alternate History, D&D, Dungeons and Dragons, Fantasy, Folklore, High Fantasy, Historical, Horror, Low Fantasy

RP Publisher

Troll Lord Games

RP Type

Softback, Supplement


Castles & Crusades Aihrde, Castles and Crusades


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