Castles & Crusades Monsters and Treasures of Aihrde


25 in stock


Monsters & Treasures specific to the Aihrde setting

Aihrde is an ancient world forged by the actions of the gods. Sometimes deliberate, moany times not. From their machinations comes a host of monsters, great and small. From the sarab pool in the deep forests, to the puala beast that ranges the wide oceans, there are more monsters than one can imagine. Monsters & Treasures of Aihrde guides the Castle Keeper and catalogs the mythic beasts and magical wonders stalking the world of Aihrde.

Within this mighty tome lies a veritable host of legendary monsters. From the small fey such as the Bogtilt, to the greater dragons, the Blackcoat, Talonedwing and many more. Each entry has detailed descriptions, habits, climate, biome, sanity, treasure, combat tactics, special abilities, and details on culture where needed. Lastly, a special section on each monster’s place in Aihrde finishes the entry.

Defeated monsters mean treasure, and Monsters & Treasures of Aihdre doesn’t disappoint! There are over 100 magical items and treasure to reward your hard fighting heroes. From the Axe of Unmaking (we know a Dwarf who might have liked one of those) to the Zephyr Plume, the treasures of Aihdre are magnificent indeed!

Printings of this book.

Castles & Crusades has been around for a long time, over 20 years in fact. In that time, it has evolved into a great RPG system, played and loved the world over. Castles & Crusades has had just one edition. You read that right, one edition. The core mechanics of the game, called the Siege Engine, have never changed.

March of 2023 saw a huge overhaul of the Codex of Aihrde and its associated Monsters & Treasures tome. New dragons were added, a whole new crop of art produced, OGL removed, layout changed and the cover redesigned to reflect the new C&C trade dress. A wonderful piece of art by Anato Finnstark rides the cover, bringing Monsters & Treasures of Aihdre into line with the rest of the Aihrde material.

Monsters & Treasure of Aihrde 3rd printing was released in October 2023.

Additional information

Weight 0.73 kg
Game System



Fantasy, High Fantasy

RP Publisher

Troll Lord Games

RP Type

Companion, Core Rules, Hardback, Supplement


Castles & Crusades Aihrde, Castles and Crusades


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