Brancalonia – 5E compatible Spaghetti Fantasy setting


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Core rulebook for Brancalonia, the award winning Spaghetti Fantasy setting for 5E

Brancalonia is a unique and entertaining tabletop role-playing game set in a gritty, low-fantasy world inspired by medieval Italy and Italian folklore. It combines elements of classic RPGs with a whimsical, “Spaghetti Fantasy” twist, focusing on a lighthearted, often humorous tone. The game is published by Acheron Games and is designed to be played with the Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition ruleset.

Players take on the role of “knaves”, who are part of a ragtag group of misfits, bandits, mercenaries, and outlaws. The setting is a wild and dangerous fantasy version of Italy, filled with warring city-states, corrupt rulers, and ancient ruins. Rather than playing noble heroes, the characters are often involved in shady jobs, scams, and other less-than-honorable tasks as they try to survive and thrive in this chaotic world.

Brancalonia stands out for its blend of humorous storytelling, historical inspiration, and quirky fantasy focused on witty banter, and larger-than-life adventures. The setting is rich with references to Italian folklore, medieval history, and pop culture, making it a distinct and flavorful addition to your RPG collection.

What’s in the book?Brancalonia book

The Basic Manual of Brancalonia consists of 192 richly illustrated full-color pages, with maps, characters, antagonists, monsters and other images evocative of the Kingdom. This features:

  • A general description of the Kingdom. The history and main regions, from the Pale Mountains in the north to the Charybdean Sea in the south, from the barbaric city of Tergesta in the east to the coast of the Zigane Sea in the far west.
  • Five new playable races. In addition to the Human, taken from Italian tradition and folklore: the Gifted, the Malebranches, the Marionettes, the Morgants and the Sylvans.
  • Twelve new subclasses. One for each of the basic classes, each adapted to the Kingdom and strongly characteristic of Italian history, tradition and folklore: hence we have the Benandante and the Superstician; the Sword-player and the Brigand; the Miraculist and the Friar.
  • New Backgrounds, Character Traits, Ideals, Ties and Defects. Typical of Brancalonian Knaves.
  • New Feats, Spells, Treasures, Diseases, and Poisons.
  • Secrets, threats, curiosities, places of interest, rumors, monsters and game suggestions for the Condottiero. Includes generators of Dives, of Memorabilia, and Roads to nowhere!
  • New Setting Rules. Moves and Whacks (full version); Poor Equipment and Stolen Equipment; Companies, Cronies, and Den management; Bounties, Revels, and Prophecies; Long Rest and Gritty Realism; Dive Games.
  • The Introductory Solo Adventure. The Son of the Eagle.
  • The In Search of Fortune campaign. A complete campaign in six Episodes.
  • Twelve new monsters and twelve antagonists typical of Italian history, tradition, and folklore.
Brancalonia’s fantastic and picaresque world is an “upside down” version of medieval Italy, which collects and mixes contributions from contemporary Italian fiction and references to the fantastic literary tradition, pop culture and movies.

Check out the awards for Brancalonia!

  • Gold ENnie Award 2021: Best electronic book
  • Silver ENnie Award 2021: Product of the Year)
  • Silver ENnie Award 2021: Best Writing
  • Silver ENnie Award 2021: Best Setting
  • ioGioco Award 2021: Best RPG Supplement
  • Furgone d’Oro: Best Seller
  • Gold NDU Award 2021: Best Setting
  • Gold NDU Award 2021: Best RPG Supplement
  • Gold NDU Award 2021: Best Art
  • Gold NDU Award 2021: Most Original RPG
  • Gold NDU Award 2021: Reviewers’ Choice
  • Silver NDU Award 2021: Most Charming RPG
  • Silver NDU Award 2021: Revelation of the Year

Additional information

Game System

5E, d20, Dungeons & Dragons


Fantasy, Folklore, Low Fantasy

RP Publisher


RP Type

Campaign Setting, Core Rules, Hardback, Supplement


Brancalonia, Dungeons & Dragons


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