Lex Arcana: The alternate history RPG set in a Roman Empire which did not fall
The Lex Arcana Core Rulebook is a 304 page full colour hardback containing everything needed to run and play the game.

“Then Romolus shall receive the sceptre of his race, and found the walls of Mars, and call the people Romans. I have given no limits or duration to their possession: I’ve given them empire without end.”
Virgil, Aeneid
The Emperor needs you! Join the Cohors Auxiliaria Arcana, enter the world of Lex Arcana and dive into the mysteries and dangers of ancient Rome.
You and the other Custodes travel to the four corners of the empire, investigate terrifying threats, recover lost relics, unearth forgotten secrets and fight legendary supernatural creatures.
The Core Rulebook includes:
- Full rules to play Lex Arcana
- A full world to play in
- 12 pre-generated Custodes
- Rules to make and advance your Custos
- Advice for the Demiurge (Game Master)
- The ancient world bestiary
- Two extensive introductory adventures: The Long Winter Nights and The Mothers of Cenabum
From misty Britannia to the immense rivers of Babilonia, from the Egyptian deserts to the beautiful beaches of Italia, the adventures awaiting the Custodes are as numerous as the Empire the Cohors Arcana must defend is large. For the glory of Rome and the Empire without end!
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