Sins Quickstart – Dead City


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Sins: Dead City – A quickstart introduction to the Sins RPG

Dead City is a gripping, fast-paced introduction to the world of SINS. Concisely packed with several hours of thrilling survival-horror gameplay. Sins Quickstart – Dead City takes 5 players through branching plotlines against ever-evolving adversaries. As they fight to survive one apocalypse, they find themselves thrown into a desperate struggle to survive another.

Dead City is a 3-5 hour horror survival game with a few twists and turns along the way. Players assume the roles of 5 pre-written characters and play with a demo version of the SINS engine for ease of play.

No prior experience with the full SINS RPG required – this is a quick-start guide designed for beginners. Sins Quickstart page detail

The acclaimed artist Will Kirkby provides the evocative artwork for this fully illustrated book. His previous work includes cover work for several major Dark Horse Comic titles, guest covers for Critical Role comics, and his own self-published Wraith King artbook and Grenade graphic novel.

The SINS Quickstart Includes

  • 5 Prewritten, illustrated character sheets.
  • A 4-6 hour sandbox adventure, made up of multiple apocalyptic scenarios.
  • Mini Armoury for all items and equipment found in the adventure.
  • Mini Beastiary for all the enemies encountered during the adventure.

Additional information

Weight 0.25 kg
Game System

Bespoke, d6


Horror, Modern

RP Publisher

First Falling Leaf, NFG, Nightfall, Nightfall Games

RP Type

Quick Start


Horror, Sins

ISBN Number



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