Collateral – A sourcebook for SLA Industries: 2nd Edition:


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Threat Analysis 1: Collateral

Threat Analysis keeps a watchful eye on the dangers posed to SLA Operatives, employees, and civilians alike, informing those whose job it is to deal with them; you, the Operatives. Threats are classified using the four Cs – Corporate, Conflict, Cult and Collateral. Collateral threats are those coming from corporate greed and exploitation and resulting from the evolution SLA Industries imposes in the World of Progress.

The universe SLA Industries created has spawned these enemies.

The Cannibals, Carrien and Dream Entities are all a direct result of the actions of SLA Industries. Yet the Aethernauts and Aether Trackers of Naga 7 do not stand alone in their fight against these enemies. They are joined by an old ally as the Manchine threat shows signs of returning to the fold.

Threat Analysis 1: Collateral

Collateral is a 224 page hardback, lavishly illustrated with horrifying threats and supportive allies for SLA Industries: 2nd Edition. This tome contains dozens of threats for Operatives to deal with, familiar and new. All have easy-to-read stat blocks, updated for the S5S rules, and descriptive art and text to the standard expected from Nightfall Games. Chapters on the numerous gangs of Downtown, deadly Serial Killers, terrifying Manchines, and creepy Dream Entities add to these threats and round out the package.

This report contains:

Dream Entities: Creatures born of fear, folklore and memory.

Mort City Gangs: The discarded and abandoned children of Downtown and Suburbia.

Manchines: Horrors of a bygone age, created by SLA Industries to quell the riots in the Fall of 300.

Serial Killers: The broken, misled aberrations in Mort society, raised on televised gore, junk food and ingrained malaise.

Scary Monsters: They are the cruel invention of a scientist lacking in sanity, morals, or restraint.

The Children of Scarogg: Information on a form of energy underpinning the world of SLA Industries.

Planet Mort Fauna: Creatures twisted and altered by Mort’s pollution and an increasingly hostile environment.

Naga 7 Division: A cryptic organisation dating back to the Formation Era has returned to aid SLA Industries in a time of crisis.

Additional information

Weight 1.3 kg
Game System



Alternate History, Cyberpunk, Horror, Science Fiction

RP Publisher

NFG, Nightfall, Nightfall Games

RP Type

Companion, Hardback, Supplement


SLA, SLA Industries

ISBN Number



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