Amazing Adventures Chronicle Keepers Screen


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Amazing Adventures Chronicle Keepers Screen

The Chronicle Keepers Screen is light and durable and contains vital information for running a game of Amazing Adventures. Made from durable, laminated, board, this four screen accordion style screen is a game saver for the beleaguered CK to keep their notes, monsters, miniatures, and dice well hidden from prying eyes and essential information for running the game at a mere glance.

From the CK’s side the screen contains a wide range of useful material, allowing the CK quick reference for a wide variety of circumstances including the following and so much more.

  • Combat Resolution
  • Saving Throws
  • Attribute modifiers
  • Poison
  • Disease
  • Combat Maneuvers
  • Vehicle Rules
  • Archaic Weapons
  • Fate Points
  • Weapon Damage
  • Spell Craft 

From the Player’s side the screens sport the Jason Walton amazing covers that reside on the Amazing Adventures Players Handbook and Amazing Adventures Chronicle Keepers Guide.

This single screen is light, durable

Introducing Amazing Adventures

Amazing Adventures is the next level of SIEGE Engine role playing. Using the same celebrated rules as Castles & Crusades, this multi-genre role playing game gives you a universal rulebook to capture any style of fantasy you want. The simple attribute-check-based mechanics are built for lightning-fast play that’s also worlds of fun. Whether you’re looking to portray Musketeers and pirates in the 16th century, fearful colonists dealing with the dark unknown in the black forests of the New World, modern demon hunters fighting horrors of the Deeper Dark in the back alleys of cities, or explorers on the new frontier of deep space in the far-flung future, Amazing Adventures has what you need.

Additional information

Weight 1.5 kg
Game System



Alternate History, Cryptid, Cyberpunk, Espionage, Folklore, Historical, Horror, Modern, Pulp, Pulp / Adventure, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Space Opera, Spies, Steampunk, Super Hero, Weird War, Weird West, Wu Xia

RP Publisher

Troll Lord Games

RP Type

Accessory, Screen


Amazing Adventures

ISBN Number


Other Accessories

GM Aid – Screen


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