Inferno – Dante’s Guide to Hell for 5E


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Inferno – Dante’s Guide to hell is a 5E Compatible setting Inferno - Dante's Guide to Hell page example

 Inferno – Dante’s Guide to Hell (the “Red One”) is the “Player’s Handbook” for this hellish 5E setting. It completely focuses on character creation and options, setting rules, and a deep description of the Inferno itself. Suitable for players and Dungeon Masters, Dante’s Guide to Hell explains why the PCs are there, who they are, what they could do in hell, and how to leave this supernatural realm.

Inferno is produced by the Ennie Award winning studios Two Little Mice and Acheron Games. It is the first original Dantesque Campaign Setting for the 5th Edition of the most important RPG ever created.

The Campaign Setting divides into two parts, Dante’s Guide to Hell and Virgilio’s Untold Tales “Game Master’s Manual” (coming soon). Together these take the players from level 1 to 20, in a descent through the Hell, from the Dark Wood to the presence of Lucifer.

Free Downloads

Click here for a 70 page Quickstart version of Inferno, and to download character sheets and pre-generated characters. 

Additional information

Game System

5E, d20, Dungeons & Dragons


Fantasy, Folklore, Horror

RP Publisher


RP Type

Campaign Setting, Core Rules, Hardback, Supplement


Dungeons & Dragons, Inferno


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