Primal Spell Cards for Pathfinder


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Pathfinder Primal Spell Cards Remastered boxRemastered versions of the Primal Spell Cards for Pathfinder

Channel the power of storms and wild creatures with Pathfinder Primal Spell Cards

This box contains a comprehensive collection of the primal spells presented in Pathfinder Player Core and Pathfinder Player Core 2. Put the bounty of nature at your fingertips with over 200 spell reference cards!

Players can easily arrange and plan their spells within moments, and a quick scan of the cards presents a caster’s tactical options at a glance. The possibilities are endless, but Pathfinder Primal Spell Cards let you master the mysteries of magic!

About Pathfinder Remastered

The Remastered version of Pathfinder is fully compatible with all Pathfinder Second Edition material, but it includes some changes. For example, the Remastered version of Pathfinder does away with alignments, allowing players and GMs a lot more agency and freedom in their games. Attribute scores have been simplified, making a lot of other core mechanics much more streamlined. There are also changes some other terms from the original OGL rules, always for the better.

The books themselves have also been re-arranged. Separate player and GM books now provide all the information needed, organized and indexed to make everything easy to find. Spotting the Remastered versions is easy, just look for the word ‘core’ following the initial title: GM Core, Player Core, Monster Core, and so on. Released under the new ORC (Open Creative RPG) license, Pathfinder Remastered is free from any ties to any other game or publisher.

Additional information

Card Decks

Pathfinder / Starfinder


Fantasy, High Fantasy

RP Publisher


RP Type





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