Pathfinder for Savage Worlds Dice set


10 in stock


Themed Pathfinder for Savage Worlds Dice Set 

With the Pathfinder for Savage Worlds Dice Set, you can add an extra level of depth to your Pathfinder character! This full set of polyhedral dice contains d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20, plus a specially marked d6 Wild Die.

What’s a Wild Die?

PFSW dice

In Savage Worlds there are two types of characters, those who are Wild Cards, and those who are Extras. Wild Card characters are any Player Character, any important Non-Player Character, and usually the nemesis of the adventure. Minor NPCs and the bad guy’s minons are Extras.

Any time a Wild Card character makes a trait (Attribute or Skill) test, they also roll a Wild Die, which is normally a D6, and the player can chose which die to use. The Wild Die is always a little different to the others!

Pathfinder for Savage Worlds, an introduction.

Pathfinder for Savage Worlds combines the “Fast! Furious! Fun!” of the best-selling, award-winning Savage Worlds game system with the incredible depth and excitement of Paizo’s phenomenal Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the world of Golarion. Create your own adventures or play one of the legendary Adventure Paths, starting with ‘Rise of the Runelords!’ (Available separately). The Pathfinder for Savage Worlds Core Rulebook contains the Savage Worlds rules, specially tailored for the world of Golarion. All you need are dice, a deck of playing cards for initiative, and some excellent friends to share your adventures with!

©2021, Paizo Inc. All rights reserved. Paizo, the Paizo golem logo, Pathfinder, and the Pathfinder logo are registered trademarks of Paizo Inc.; the Pathfinder P logo, Pathfinder Adventure Path, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, and Pathfinder Lost Omens are trademarks of Paizo Inc. Used under license.

Additional information

Weight 0.025 kg

Polyhedral, Savage Worlds

Game System

Savage Worlds, Suitable for all, SWAdE


Fantasy, High Fantasy

RP Publisher

Pinnacle Entertainment Group

RP Type



Pathfinder for Savage Worlds


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