Deadlands Lost Colony GM Screen and Adventure


2 in stock


Heavy stock GM Screen for Deadlands: Lost Colony

Lost Colony GM Screen art


The Deadlands: Lost Colony GM screen features stunning artwork and preserves the secrets of Banshee (and the GM). It also includes the Widowmaker adventure book. Deadlands: Lost Colony continues the Deadlands saga and requires Savage Worlds Adventure Edition to play.


Widowmaker is a space station deep in the asteroid belt far above Banshee. This supplement provides further details for the Game Master to set her own adventures there. Two creepy Savage Tales featuring several very deadly and very creepy threats complete the package.

Introduction to Deadlands: Lost Colony

The Last War on Earth destroyed the “Tunnel,” the galactic wormhole between home and the colonists of the Faraway System.

Now, trapped in the mining colonies of deep space or the lone inhabitable and often hostile planet of Banshee. Ancient and evil creatures called the Skinnies see their chance to strike, rallying Banshee’s native anouks to wipe out the invaders.

The only ship capable of traveling between systems, Hellstromme Industries’ Unity, has returned. And with its cargo comes a final Reckoning.

In this hostile environment, players take on the roles of survivors, settlers, soldiers, and supernatural beings as they navigate a world where the Old West meets the Final Frontier. Whether engaging in tense shootouts, uncovering ancient alien secrets, or confronting their worst nightmares, the heroes of Lost Colony must rely on their wits, grit, and a touch of the supernatural to survive in a land where death lurks behind every shadow and the line between reality and nightmare is razor-thin.

Additional information

Weight 0.4 kg
Game System

Savage Worlds


Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Space Opera

Other Accessories

GM Aid – Screen

RP Publisher

Pinnacle Entertainment Group

RP Type



Deadlands, Deadlands Lost Colony


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