Deadlands Action Deck


14 in stock


Themed action deck for Deadlands: The Weird West

From Initiative to gambling to the classic showdown at high noon, you need cards to play Deadlands! The Deadlands Action Deck is 52 oversized 3.5″ x 5″ cards plus two jokers. Each card features a stunning Cheyenne Wright illustration.

These cards are marked with standard suits and values so you can use them as a standard deck when your Deadlands game is done!

Don’t forget to check out our other Deadlands themed decks such as the Chase Deck, and 20th Anniversary Action Decks.

An introduction to Deadlands

Powered by the Savage Worlds game system, Deadlands: The Weird West offers fast-paced, cinematic gameplay emphasising action and adventure. Players create a posse of characters who must face the terrors of the Weird West head-on. Whether they’re battling undead gunslingers, unravelling sinister conspiracies, or just trying to survive in a land where even the landscape seems hostile, one thing’s for sure, this ain’t no turkey shoot.

Whether you’re a seasoned desperado or new to the world of Deadlands, the Weird West promises a thrilling and unpredictable ride through one of the most unique and immersive settings in role-playing history. Saddle up, partner—it’s time to face the Weird West!

Additional information

Weight 0.24 kg
Card Decks

Savage Worlds

Game System

Savage Worlds, Suitable for all


Alternate History, Cryptid, Folklore, Horror

RP Publisher

Pinnacle Entertainment Group

RP Type





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